Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie unterscheidet sich Ihr Unternehmen von anderen?

Wir verfügen über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der Bereitstellung von Abschlüssen. Wir haben gerade unsere Präsenz von einem stationären Unternehmen auf eine Online-Präsenz umgestellt. Alle unsere Mitarbeiter sind professionell ausgebildet und haben als Universitätsverwalter und Rechtsberater sowie in Lehrfakultäten an Universitäten gearbeitet. Wir sind in der Branche unübertroffen.

Was sind die Sicherheitsmerkmale Ihrer Hochschulabschlüsse?

sind bestimmte Sicherheitsmerkmale in unseren Universitätsabschlüssen, zu denen unter anderem Hologramme, Prägungen, Wasserzeichen und einige andere Druck- und Sicherheitsmerkmale gehören. (Wir können sie hier nicht alle aufzählen.)

Kann ich den Abschluss nutzen, um mich für leitende Positionen oder Stellen im öffentlichen Dienst zu bewerben?

Ja, alle unsere Abschlüsse sind völlig legal, überprüfbar und akkreditiert – vom stationären Unternehmen bis hin zur Online-Präsenz. Alle unsere Mitarbeiter sind professionell ausgebildet und haben als Universitätsverwalter und Rechtsberater sowie in Lehrfakultäten an Universitäten gearbeitet. Wir sind in der Branche unübertroffen.

Wenn ich nur den Abschluss bestelle, kann ich später weitere Artikel bestellen?

Ja, Sie können später auch andere Artikel bestellen, dafür fallen jedoch zusätzliche Kosten an. Dies liegt daran, dass wir Ihre Datensätze erneut durchsuchen und einige Dateien neu erstellen müssen. Das wird zusätzliche Zeit und Mühe kosten. Deshalb kostet es etwas mehr, als wenn Sie beides zusammen bestellen. Sie sind professionell ausgebildet und haben als Universitätsverwalter und Rechtsberater sowie in Lehrfakultäten an Universitäten gearbeitet. Wir sind in der Branche unübertroffen.

Woher weiß ich, dass Ihre Website glaubwürdig und vertrauenswürdig ist? Warum sollte ich dir vertrauen?

Unser Unternehmen bietet Folgendes: Eine umfassende Universitätsbroschüre. Akkreditierte, überprüfbare und juristische Abschlüsse mit einer offiziellen Website. Sie sind professionell ausgebildet und haben als Universitätsadministratoren und Rechtsberater sowie in Lehrfakultäten an Universitäten gearbeitet. Wir sind in der Branche unübertroffen.

Eine Richtlinie mit Zufriedenheitsgarantie

Verifizierung direkt von der Universität. Legalisierung durch Anwalt, Regierung und Botschaft. Ein Abschlussarbeiten-/Dissertationsservice. Abschlusskittel, Mütze und Kapuze. Ein lebenslanger Kundendienst. Darüber hinaus liegen weder auf unserer Website noch auf der Universität negative Berichte online oder offline vor, und die Universität wurde nicht auf die schwarze Liste gesetzt eine Diplommühle. Bei uns gibt es keine Fake-, Lebenserfahrungs- oder Nachbildungsabschlüsse. Akkreditierte, überprüfbare und juristische Abschlüsse mit einer offiziellen Website, professionell ausgebildet und als Universitätsverwalter und Rechtsberater sowie in Lehrfakultäten an Universitäten tätig. Wir sind in der Branche unübertroffen.

Wie lange dauert das Studium?

Bachelor-Abschluss: 3 Jahre für eine britische Universität, 4 Jahre für eine US-amerikanische Universität. Master-Abschluss: 1-2 Jahre für eine britische Universität, 2 Jahre für eine US-amerikanische Universität. PhD-Abschluss: 3 Jahre für eine britische Universität, 4 Jahre für eine US-amerikanische Universität. Anwalt , Regierungs- und Botschaftslegalisierung Ein Diplomarbeits-/Dissertationsservice Abschlusskittel, -mütze und -haube Ein lebenslanger Kundendienst Darüber hinaus gibt es weder auf unserer Website noch auf der Universität negative Berichte online oder offline, und die Universität wurde nicht als Diplomfabrik auf die schwarze Liste gesetzt. Bei uns gibt es keine Fake-, Lebenserfahrungs- oder Nachbildungsabschlüsse. Akkreditierte, überprüfbare und juristische Abschlüsse mit einer offiziellen Website, professionell ausgebildet und als Universitätsverwalter und Rechtsberater sowie in Lehrfakultäten an Universitäten tätig. Wir sind in der Branche unübertroffen.

Was ist mein Abschlussdatum?

Bitte geben Sie Ihr Abschlussjahr an und wir stimmen das genaue Abschlussdatum mit Ihrem Hauptfach und Ihrer Universität ab.

Wie unterscheidet sich Ihr Unternehmen?

Wir glauben, dass wir der einzige Anbieter sind, der Ihnen einen vollständig rechtsgültigen, akkreditierten und überprüfbaren Hochschulabschluss bieten kann. Bitte prüfen Sie, ob andere Anbieter Ihnen alle Dokumente, die Überprüfung und Legalisierung durch einen Anwalt, die Regierung oder Botschaft oder Abschlussarbeiten anbieten können.

Warum können andere Anbieter das nicht tun?

Andere stellen möglicherweise gefälschte Abschlüsse oder Nachbildungen von Abschlüssen zur Verfügung. Die meisten unserer Berater sind als Administratoren oder Lehrkräfte innerhalb der Universität tätig. Im Vergleich zu anderen kennen wir alle Systeme gut.

Was ist Ihr Support-Service?

Wir bieten einen „lebenslangen Support-Service“. Wann immer Sie Fragen oder Probleme haben, sind wir für Sie da.

Warum brauche ich einen Hochschulabschluss?

Ein Abschluss ist aufgrund des Beschäftigungswettbewerbs erforderlich: Wenn Sie sich für eine Stelle in einem neuen Unternehmen oder für eine Beförderung bewerben. Darüber hinaus müssen Sie möglicherweise andere betreuen und sich für Geschäftsmöglichkeiten vernetzen. Anstatt ein paar Jahre lang Kurse zu besuchen und Hunderttausende Dollar an Studiengebühren zu bezahlen, müssen Sie einen Universitätsabschluss erwerben, um sich auf dem hart umkämpften Arbeitsmarkt zu behaupten.

Warum sollte ich Online-Abschlüsse, Diploma Mills oder sogenannte „Life Experience“-Abschlüsse meiden?

Es besteht die Gefahr, dass Sie Ihren Job verlieren oder ins Gefängnis kommen. Niemand wird einen sogenannten Life Experience Degree, einen Diplom Mill oder einen Abschluss anerkennen, da diese in Wikis oder anderen Online-Foren bereits auf der schwarzen Liste stehen.

Was ist Ihre „Kundenzufriedenheitsgarantie“?

Wir bieten „Kundenzufriedenheitsgarantie“ für alle unsere Dienstleistungen. Das bedeutet, dass wir hinter all unseren Dienstleistungen stehen, weil wir über hochqualifizierte Mitarbeiter verfügen, die sich dafür einsetzen, gute Ergebnisse für unsere Kunden zu erzielen.

Wo ist dein Büro?

Wir haben Niederlassungen in Sacramento, Kalifornien, USA, und London, Großbritannien.

Welche rechtliche Grundlage haben Ihre Abschlüsse?

All of our degrees are able to be verified and certified by a lawyer / notary public, government and embassies

Do you have a website for your universities?

Yes, we certainly do. All of our universities have comprehensive websites. All of them are official university websites.

Why should I not trust businesses with a Gmail or hotmail address as a customer service email address?

Scammers online tend to use only Gmail and hotmail as their customer service email. If they are operating a genuine business, they should not be afraid of showing their email address instead of using Gmail or hotmail.

What is your degree reputation?

We have never been blacklisted by Wikipedia as a diploma mill or fake degree provider. We guarantee that neither our website nor our universities have ever had negative reports online or offline.

Can you tell us about your quantity control?

We limit the number of degrees and majors available in the market. We want to protect our business and our customers because we don’t want too many degrees or too many majors from a single university or multiple universities flooding into the market in a single country. Therefore, we strictly control the number of particular majors from a particular university to a reasonable amount.

Do you provide TOEFL, or other professional qualifications?

We provide university degrees and related services only. We don’t provide any exam qualifications like TOEFL, or other professional qualifications.

Can I order my transcripts directly from the university or from you?

Yes, you can order your transcripts either directly from the university or from us.

Is there any online or life experience degree mentioned in the degree or transcripts?

No, they will not be mentioned in either the degree or transcripts.

What kind of universities do you offer?

All of our universities are accredited, established universities. degrees are not simply pieces of paper that emerge from a printer. On the contrary, we undertake very extensive work to make your university degree happen. All of our degrees are of exceptional quality with very high security features. Don’t forget that they are verifiable, accredited, legal degrees. All our Degrees are Awarded from the University and are registered

Do these universities have physical campuses?

Yes, we guarantee that all our universities have physical campuses. within 6-12 hours.

What is the reputation of these universities?

These universities have very good reputations and you can research them via their detailed websites.

What is the degree verification process?

We will provide detailed verification instructions to you in your package. All verification will be done directly from the university, not via us.

What are the university brochures?

All degree orders will come with an original university brochure with details about the university itself, the campus, the location, and further information. In addition, it will list different programs and their curriculum structure.

What other items can I order with the degree?

ou can order transcripts, student records, an acceptance letter, a graduation letter, a reference letter from more than one professor, an appreciation letter, an internship letter, a university degree leather folder, a dissertation, degree legalization by a lawyer, government or an embassy, and a graduation cap, gown and hood.

What are the verification methods?

Verification can be done by email, fax, or post.

Are these universities nationally accredited?

Yes, all of our universities are nationally accredited.

Are these universities internationally accredited?

Yes, all of our universities are internationally accredited.

re these university accredited by professional organizations?

Yes, all of our universities are accredited by the respective professional organizations in your chosen major.

What is your accreditation policy?

All of our universities are accredited, and if it were to happen that our accreditation is not accepted, we have a money back policy

What is legalization?

Legalization is the authentication process whereby civil and judicial officials reliably verify the authenticity of documents that have been issued abroad. Legalization is proof created by a chain of authentications, each by a progressively higher government authority, to ultimately narrow the point of contact between countries to a single designated official. Degree legalization can also serve as an extra authentic layer for creditability.

Do I need legalization?

we have more legalization proses cost extra fee you can order these as extra service. In addition, if you want to use your degree in one of the non-apostille countries, you should have your degree legalized. Please see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostille_Convention

Do you offer legalization by a lawyer?

Yes, we have lawyers located in different countries to legalize your degree. Every lawyer will look at your government ID and credentials, and verify with the university in order to legalize your documents.

Do you offer notary public legalization?

Yes, we have notaries public located in different countries to legalize your degree. Every notary public will look at your government ID and credentials, and verify with the university in order to legalize your documents. cost extra fee

Why should I trust that your degree is real and legal?

No lawyer or notary public will risk their professional license to verify an unaccredited degree, fake degree or a degree from a diploma mill. This would cause them to be removed from the professional organization and waste their many years of practice and study.

In which country should I get my degree legalized?

If your degree is from the United Kingdom, you should get your degree legalized in the United Kingdom; if your degree is from the United States, you should get your degree legalized in the United States, and so on.

Do you offer government legalization?

Yes, we can provide government legalization. This is called “Apostille”. In some countries, such as the United Kingdom, their apostille process is able to search and verify online from the government website. The US apostille comes from the Secretary of State in Washington, DC. all these cost extra

Do you offer embassy legalization?

Yes, we can provide embassy legalization. these cost extra fee.

How can I know legalization of my degree is real?

All lawyer / notary public legalizations will be stamped with their license numbers and contact numbers. You can cross-check with the professional bodies. If your documents are legalized with the government, some countries will offer online verification from the government website, for example, the United Kingdom. Embassy legalization will be printed on a highly secure label with a hologram and a reference number. You can cross-check with the respective embassy about the information provided.

How long will it take for my degree to be legalized?

It usually takes about 3-4 weeks for lawyer’s legalization and government legalization (apostille). Embassy legalization will take another 3-4 weeks, depending on the country and the location of the embassy.

What is your legalization policy?

We offer “Legalization Money Back Guaranteed”. All of our degrees are able to be legalized without any problem, otherwise you would get your money back.

Can the government or an embassy verify my degree?

Yes, certainly. To be able to legalize your degree they must be able to verify your degree. Every government or embassy needs to cross-check your ID and identity and verify your degree in order to issue legalized documents.

Why do I need a thesis or dissertation in addition to a degree package?

A thesis or dissertation is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author’s research and findings (Wikipedia definition). A thesis will be a valuable item to present during an employment interview and will open up topics and opportunities in your future career. In addition, it will show that you had to put effort into earning your valuable degree. all these cost extra fee

What is a thesis / dissertation service?

A thesis / dissertation is a publication (usually 200 pages for a Bachelor’s degree, 300-400 pages for a Master’s degree and 500 pages for a PhD degree) that is written by a student and approved by the university committee. If you have a written thesis, we can bind the thesis for you with an official university leather cover and gold stamping with your name, year of graduation, your degree title / major and your thesis title. The content will be signed by two official university professors and stamped by the university committee. We will produce two copies. One copy will be sent to you and the second copy will be put in the university library and database.

Do you offer a thesis / dissertation service?

Yes, we can provide a thesis / dissertation service in two ways: If you already have a written thesis, we can bind your thesis in an official university leather cover, gold stamped with your name, degree, major, year of graduation and thesis topic and put it in the university library for you. If you do not have a written thesis, we can provide a thesis writing service for you either by PhD students or by experts / professors in your field.

Do you offer a thesis writing service?

Yes, we have two categories of thesis writing service: PhD students thesis writing service. This service will provide you a standard thesis writing service by PhD students in your field. Experts / professors thesis writing services. This service will provide you with an exceptional thesis writing service by experts or professors in your field. Some majors require above average thesis writing in certain fields, such as engineering, psychology, and computer science.

Can I request my thesis to be put in the university library and database?

Yes, your thesis will be put in the university library system and database, and officially recorded in the university.

How can I know my thesis is real and will be put in the university database?

All theses will be supervised and screened by university officials. Your thesis will be signed by two or more university professors / supervisors in your field. (Some universities might request to have more than two professors / supervisors and for the thesis to be stamped by the university committee.) Some university libraries are searchable online with your topic.

How long will it take for my thesis to be prepared?

All theses will take about 40 days for the binding and about 60-90 days for the written work. We will ship your degree package first and the thesis will follow that.

Can I order the thesis alone without the degree?

No, all theses must be ordered with the degree. We provide this service as an add-on courtesy service to our customers.

How do you handle customer information?

We guarantee to destroy all customer information within 7 days of shipping a package. We promise that we will not keep any customer information even on our computers. These are audited by a third-party computer security company once every month.

How would you handle my payment information?

we do not store payment information such as billing addresses or pay. Only your bank stores this information.

Why I need to put my ID on the application form?

We want to make sure you are the one who ordered the degree and we need your ID to confirm your registration with the university. Your ID information will be destroyed within 7 days.

What are your payment methods?

We accept Wire Transfer to us Bankaccount. We also accept payment by Western Union . we accept pay with crypto Currency.

Can I pay by debit card?

We can accept a Wiretransfer to us Bankaccount and Western union.

If I don’t have credit card, what are your payment methods?

You can either pay by Western Union or wire transfer, and we can now accept Crypto Currency

Do you accept payment by PayPal?

Sorry, we don’t accept payment by PayPal at the moment.

How long will it take to ship my order?

We usually ship orders within After Processed within 3-10 business days; however, some majors will take more time.

Can I request my order to be shipped within 24 hours?

Although we will try our best to accommodate your request, it is unlikely that it will be possible. (Since we are not providing fake degrees or diploma mill degrees, you can imagine that it would be impossible to ship your degree within 24 hours.) after processed.

What are your shipping methods?

We will ship most of our packages by FedEx, DHL, UPS, TNT or other courier services. We don’t have a shipping service by snail mail and we only use the best and fastest courier service to your country.

Can I request you to ship my package to another address?

We can only ship your package to your verifiable billing address from your If you want your package to be shipped to an address other than your billing address, we need further verification of your shipping address. Please email us about this.

What is a Professional Degree?

Students earn professional degrees to become licensed to work in professions like medicine or law. The M.D. degree is an example. Professional programs generally require a college degree before you start them and then at least three years of study to complete. A professional degree, formerly known in the US as a first professional degree, is a degree that prepares someone to work in a particular profession, often meeting the academic requirements for licensure or accreditation. Professional degrees may be either graduate or undergraduate entry, depending on the profession concerned and the country, and may be classified as bachelor's, master's or doctoral degrees. For a variety of reasons, professional degrees may bear the name of a different level of qualification from their classification in qualifications frameworks, e.g. some UK professional degrees are named bachelor's but are at master's level, while some Australian and Canadian professional degrees have the name "doctor" but are classified as master's or bachelor's degrees. Types of Professional Degrees Many fields offer one type of degree. Law is a good example of this; all practicing attorneys must earn a J.D. degree. Other fields offer both kinds of degrees; however, the degree you choose to pursue may depend on your desired career path. For example, if you are interested in practicing medicine, you will need to earn an M.D. degree. Alternatively, if you are interested in doing medical research, you might prefer to earn a Ph.D. in any number of related fields. Some Examples of Professional Degrees Include: D.M.A. (Doctor of Musical Arts) D.V.M. (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) J.D. (Doctor of Law) J.S.D. (Doctor of Science of Law) L.L.M. (Master of Laws) M.Arch. (Architecture Master of Architecture) M.D. (Doctor of Medicine) M.F.S. (Master of Food Science) M.H.A. (Master of Health Administration) M.I.L.R. (Master of Public Administration) M.L.A. (Master of Landscape Architecture) M.P.A. (Master of Public Administration) M.S.W. (Master of Social Work) Psy.D (Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology)

What is Graduate Degree?

Graduate degrees are advanced degrees pursued after earning a bachelor’s degree. Examples are a Master of Arts (M.A.) or Master of Science (M.S.) degree. Students generally can earn a master’s degree after two years of study. A doctoral degree (for example, a Ph.D.) requires four or more years of study. Graduate school includes both master's and doctoral-level degree programs. These advanced academic degrees are available to individuals who already have completed bachelor's degree programs and wish to further their education. Some popular types of graduate degrees include the Master of Business Administration, Juris Doctor and Doctor of Philosophy. Continue reading to learn more about graduate degrees. Types of Graduate Degrees Master's degrees are designed to denote mastery of a specific field of study or professional practice. A master's degree can take anywhere from one to four or more years to complete. Many institutions also offer joint master's-bachelor's programs that allow you to complete both degrees in as little as five years. The following are the most common types of master's degrees in the U.S.: M.B.A. Master of Science (M.S.) Master of Arts (M.A.) A doctoral degree, the highest level of graduate degree, is achieved by a little more than one percent of the population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Most students complete doctoral degree programs within ten years, although some finish in as little as four years. The most common type of doctoral degree is the Ph.D. The Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) is also well-known. Another popular graduate degree is the Juris Doctor (J.D.), which is a professional doctorate in law. A J.D. is required to practice law in the U.S. and many other countries.

What is Doctoral Degree?

Doctoral degree programs, also known as Ph.D. programs, are the most advanced type of degree program available. Admittance into a doctoral degree program may require individuals to hold a master's degree, although several programs accept candidates who only hold bachelor's degrees. Additional requirements to be accepted into these programs may include submitting standardized test scores and sending in letters of recommendation. Completing a Ph.D. program usually takes several years, and often involves the completion of a dissertation and a major research project. Medical-related doctoral programs may have students complete hands-on clinical hours with real patients during the final years of the program. Ph.D. graduates are qualified to work as experts in areas of business or research, and professors at the postsecondary level. Common types of doctoral degrees include those listed below: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Juris Doctor (J.D.) Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) While there are many different college level degree options, the four main degree levels include associate, bachelors, masters, and doctorate. A doctorate degree is considered the highest level of formal academic training. You’ve likely heard it referred to as a PhD, but that is simply in reference to a Doctor of Philosophy, which is a generic title that covers a wide range of fields including English, astrophysics and chemistry. One can also become a Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng), Doctor of Education (EdD), Doctor of Medicine (MD) and more. Doctoral degrees have traditionally required the student to earn the degree in a classroom, but these days online doctorates are being offered much more frequently and can be earned in as few as three years. But some fields are more demanding (think law school or medical school) and can take up to eight years to complete. Only about 0.9 percent of Americans have earned a doctoral degree. There is, however, an impressive repertoire of jobs for which a doctoral degree can qualify you, some of which include working as a psychologist, surgeon, doctor, professor or high-level research scientist.

What is Bachelor's degree?

This degree requires completing a four- or five-year college program. Most students earn a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science degree (B.S.). Other types of bachelor’s degrees include the Bachelor of Fine Arts or Bachelor of Architecture degree. A bachelor's degree program is an undergraduate program that usually takes four years to complete. Enrolling in a bachelor's degree program requires that students choose a major area of study, such as finance, history, communications or biology. Graduates from a bachelor's degree program are qualified to work in entry or management-level positions, depending on the field. A bachelor's degree is also usually required for admittance into a graduate program. The different types of degrees available in a bachelor's degree program include the following: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) A bachelor’s degree, sometimes referred to as a baccalaureate degree, generally takes four or five years to complete. The course layout for this degree typically includes all the required general education classes (such as English, psychology, history and math), major-specific classes required for your chosen degree and a handful of electives. A Bachelor of Arts (BA) or a Bachelor of Science (BS) is considered the ‘most traditional’ college degree and can propel degree holders to work in a vast number of fulfilling professions. Potential jobs can range from positions in accounting to jobs in psychology to full-time gigs in criminal justice. If you’re looking to work your way up to a profession that requires a master’s or a doctorate degree, a bachelor’s degree is an integral part of the necessary groundwork you’ll have to lay to get there. For more on those degrees, read on!

What is the Associate Degree?

Associate Degree. An award that normally requires at least two but less than four years of full-time college work. There are different types of associate degrees with varying transferability. An associate degree is a 2-year degree (when studying full-time) that is comprises a student’s freshman and sophomore years of college. This degree, as with most, is multifaceted depending on your field of study, branching off into a few different sectors: Associate in Science (AS), Associate in Arts (AA) and even Associate in Applied Science (AAS) and Associate in Fine Arts (AFA). Associate degrees are becoming increasingly more desirable because they are quicker than earning a bachelor’s degree and, by extension, cost less. But don’t let the shortened time lead you to think you’ll find it difficult to discover career success. Many associate degree holders go onto land jobs they are passionate about that offer a salary fit to support their families. Some of the well-paying jobs you could get with an associate degree include cardiovascular technician, computer network support specialist, registered nurse, dental hygienist and air traffic controller. This two-year degree is an Associate of Arts (A.A.) or Associate of Science (A.S.). Some students who earn this degree transfer to a four-year program to earn a bachelor’s degree. Others complete associate degrees to prepare to go straight to work. Community colleges, career colleges and some four-year colleges offer these degrees.

Wie lange dauert das Studium?

Usually Bachelor’s Degree: 3 years for a UK university, 4 years for a US university
Master’s degree: 1-2 years for a UK university, 2 years for a US university
PhD degree: 3 years for a UK university, 4 years for US university

Can I request my university degree to be backdated?

Yes, you can indicate your graduation year and we can backdate your degree.

Can I Visit You To Book and Track My Order In Person?

NOT! Our delivery office is merely a routing destination for receiving orders, and our processing department is located offshore, therefore, you are unable to pick up or drop off your order. We can still offer you exceptional service via mail-order. Orders are couriered to our processing department daily, so you can be rest assured there are no delays, and your order will be processed instantly the minute it arrives at our international destination.

Can I contact you by phone?

I am very sure of that! We have our own office number, but we prefer to communicate in writing to avoid misunderstandings between us and our clients, as that will only delay your time to receive your diploma. As a professional diploma maker, we start with rigor and pay attention to detail to produce more authentic diplomas, transcripts and certificates for our clients. Please contact us if necessary

Order Status Updates

1. When you place an order you’ll receive a receipt from our us. Be sure to check your Bulk Mail folder. 2. If you ordered a diploma proof or transcript you’ll receive it in your email within 2 business days after processed. Orders are processed first in / first out — to be fair to all our clients. Make sure to review closely and email the designer back with approval or comments. 3. On the day when your product is shipped, we’ll tell you the DHL tracking number via email or WhatsApp. If you ordered a Final Email Scan it will be sent via a separate email. Since designing and printing normally only takes a day or two and changes hourly, we do not provide additional interim schedule details. We appreciate your patience.
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